Don’t Wait For A Health Crisis - Become Proactive, Not Reactive

Don’t Wait For A Health Crisis - Become Proactive, Not Reactive

By design, prescription drugs are reactive in nature.  They are developed to address specific illnesses or, more often, specific symptoms of illnesses.

No one takes a statin drug such as Crestor before he or she is diagnosed with high cholesterol.  No one takes harsh anti-inflammatory medications like Vioxx before suffering the debilitating pain of inflamed joints or arthritis.  These drugs, along with the vast majority of other prescription medications, are reactive because they only offer treatment after a health issue has manifested.  And, as described earlier, such prescriptive medications are all too often fraught with harmful, even fatal, side effects.

It is important to understand that disease begins on a cellular level long before symptoms of that illness appear.   Your body has little chance of maintaining good health year after year if it is consistently deprived of the tools it needs to function properly.

Although it seems that many diseases appear suddenly, the sad truth is they are usually the result  of years of deficiency that could have easily been reversed through a lifestyle of proper diet, exercise and nutritional products  and natural supplements.

The very best time to begin incorporating a healthy diet, exercise, and quality nutritional products into your lifestyle is before you experience a health crisis.  This is a key step toward establishing a lifestyle of wellness, not sickness.

Taking care of your bodies should be a natural part of any lifestyle; however, the truth is that many times it takes a crisis to stir us into taking action.

Years of improper diet without the benefit of natural supplements, lack of exercise and environmental pollution can eventually add up to serious health challenges.  Even though it often takes years of neglect for our bodies to degenerate to the point that symptoms appear, the good news is that, many times, lifestyle changes can result in a rapid return to good health.

Each person’s body responds to the benefits of optimum nutrition differently.  Some experience nearly immediate results, while others notice subtle changes with a gradual progress toward renewed health.

The bottom line is this - regardless of your current state of health, embracing a lifestyle of proper nutritions, wellness vitamins and supplements, exercises is absolutely essential for your body to sustain the kind of thriving good health it was created to enjoy.

Imagine a Life Free From Illness and Debilitating Disease…a Life Filled With Energy, Vitality, and Amazing Longevity

This kind of energetic, healthy life is what our bodies were designed for, but lack of proper dietary supplements and poor nutritional choices, a sedentary lifestyle, and an overabundance of chemically based pharmaceuticals have stolen it from all of us.  So become proactive and take charge of your health and your life today.  Become an educated consumer when it comes to what you put into your body and the bodies of your family.

For having good health it is imperative to keep our mind, body and soul in healthy condition. However, unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as overeating, smoking, and physical inactivity are directly associated with chronic stress.

Before you take another drug to deal with this stress, whether over-the-counter or prescription, find out what its side effects are.  Remember, all prescription drugs - without exception - have side effects.  Ask your doctor questions about known adverse effects of the prescription he or she is about to write for you.

A safer option to handle stress is including Ashwagandha supplements in your daily routine. The liquid supplements from Trevo wellness are rich in Ashwagandha herbs that help relieve stress, lower blood pressure and calm your mind and body.

Ashwagandha liquid wellness supplements regulates cortisol levels and promotes relaxation. It is said to boost energy, improve sleep quality, and support healthy digestion. Traditional uses of ashwagandha include treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, and respiratory issues, among others.

Along with it make the decision to include some form of exercise in your family’s daily routine - everyday.  You do not necessarily need a gym membership to get in shape, just a little creativity and determination.

Take your family for a walk, go roller-skating or biking, or even take up dancing.  Anything that gets your body moving and your heart pumping is going to melt away unwanted pounds, increase your energy level, and sharply reduce your susceptibility to disease.

Keep your meals as close to the earth as possible, meaning choose fresh foods over preservative-laden, pre-processed foods. And stay far away from fast food restaurants. Sure, they’re convenient, but is convenience really worth the extra pounds and associated poor health?

Remember to start each day with high-quality nutritional and best health supplements that contain the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients discussed.  This, along with exercise and a diet free of dangerous preservatives and chemically altered fats, will go a long way toward bulletproofing your body against a life tragically cut short by the effects of obesity and disease.

When it comes to resolving and even preventing many of the debilitating diseases that plague today’s society, you do have a choice.  Prescription drugs are not the “end all, be all” that drug companies would like you to believe.

Instead, look to the wisdom and wealth of nature’s medicine chest.