The Sad State of Today’s Foods

The Sad State of Today’s Foods

We have learned how vital it is to have a diet filled with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, amino acids and other essential nutrients and natural supplements when it comes to bulletproofing your body against debilitating illnesses and maintaining good health. These life-giving nutrients and nutritional products are the fuel that your body was created to thrive upon.

However, in the ongoing efforts to feed a burgeoning world population, a dangerous health crisis has been created. Crops have, for more than one hundred years, been forced by using a chemical fertilizer that primarily contains the minerals nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.   While these minerals are needed for crop growth, there are approximately seventy other essential minerals that have been systematically depleted from the soil. Plants will grow under these deficient conditions, but they are severely lacking in nutrients required for human sustenance. The sad truth is that by neglecting to replenish these missing minerals for so many years, our soil has become exhausted and depleted of essential nutrients.

Vitamins and minerals act as cofactors for each other. This means that each vitamin depends on a specific mineral to make it work and vice versa. Without the proper co-factors in the proper ratios, neither vitamins or minerals can be effective. This health danger was recognized at least seventy years ago, when Document #264 was presented to the 74th Congress of the United States Senate in 1936. The basic thrust of this document was that foods being grown in millions of acres of American soil no longer contained enough of certain vital minerals, and that this mineral depletion was starving the population-no matter how much of these foods were consumed. Imagine how much more severe this problem has become all these years later as the ground has continued to be stripped of nutrients.

It is a tragic fact that you can no longer derive all of the crucial nutrients your body needs exclusively from today’s fruits, vegetables, and grains, no matter how healthy your diet. Yes, plants do manufacture vitamins, but they cannot manufacture minerals. And vitamins can only be utilized properly if minerals are present in the proper ratios. If your daily diet does not provide all the needed essential nutrients, wellness vitamins and supplements the chemical reactions that make vitamins usable cannot take place. This means that you can eat the healthiest foods available and still not receive the benefit of the vitamins in that food-simply because without minerals, vitamins are largely ineffective.

Considering the fact that there are approximately seventy to eighty-four essential minerals that your body must have to function properly and only three of these minerals are regularly replenished in our soil, it is not such a huge leap to recognize that, while our stomachs may be full, our bodies are starving. As a society, we are becoming more and more nutritionally deficient with each passing day.With such a serious lack of nutrients, your body has very little chance of maintaining the vibrantly good health it was created to enjoy.

Recognizing this serious nutritional crisis, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article in 2002 addressing the use of vitamins, minerals and best health supplements for the prevention of chronic disease. After reviewing the body of evidence, researchers advised their medical colleagues that the use of vitamin/mineral and best health supplements was a prudent intervention in the fight against many chronic, degenerative diseases. The article concluded with the recommendation that Americans should include a vitamin/mineral, nutritional products and liquid supplements in their daily diet.

The bottom line is that even in a perfect world of nine daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables and a diet free of fast foods, our bodies often simply need more. To get the optimum nutrition that will sustain our bodies and support vibrantly good health, we should each include a high-quality vitamin/mineral supplement and one such liquid wellness supplement that contains all in one bottle is Trevo wellness.

So For Good Health, Start with a Strong Foundation

If your lifestyle includes a healthy diet filled with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, do you really need to take a vitamin/mineral supplement?  Not so very long ago, most experts would have probably said that no, it is not necessary.

However, today the vast majority of those same experts would likely say that including a high-quality daily nutritional supplement makes sense for most adults.

In fact, the Harvard school of Public Health has stated, “Intake of several vitamins above the minimum daily requirement may help prevent heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and other chronic diseases.”

So what should you look for when choosing the best vitamin/mineral supplement for you and your family? Three categories of nutrients that your body needs should be present in any nutritional supplement you consider.  

These three categories are:

  • Vitamins, minerals, and trace  minerals
  • Fruits, vegetables, and fulvic acid
  • Coral calcium, antioxidants, and amino acids

These three categories form the strongest nutritional foundation possible for your good health and the good health of your family.

As we have discussed throughout, proper nutrition with a daily supply of essential vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and other nutrients affects longevity, disease prevention, growth and development, emotional health, intelligence, quality of life, and behavior.

Whether you are four or 104, your body needs these nutrients every day in order to thrive.

Now let’s talk about the form of your nutritional supplements. Tablets versus capsules, capsules versus liquid. Which is the best choice? You may be surprised to learn that your body is only able to absorb about ten to twenty percent of the nutrients contained in tablet supplements. The reason is simple-matter can only remain in your stomach for a very limited amount of time.  Inside your stomach, natural digestive acids go to work breaking down the food, tablets, or capsules that you have ingested.

What does not break down quickly is simply flushed from your body via natural elimination.  Pressed tablets are very slow to dissolve, with the majority of their beneficial nutrients simply passing out of your body unused.  Capsules are certainly more easily absorbed than tablets, but by far your best choice is a liquid nutritional supplement from Trevo wellness.

When in a liquid form, nutritional supplements are immediately absorbed by your body’s cellular structures with little or no digestion process.  This ensures maximum absorption, quite nearly one hundred percent, of the vital nutrients your body requires to maintain glowing good health.