Fulvic Acid Takes Great Nutrition to a Whole New Level

Doctors have known for years that in order to maintain optimum health, we need at least ninety nutrients or natural supplements to these nutrients. Nutrients include a minimum of fifty-nine minerals, sixteen vitamins, twelve amino acids, and three essential fatty acids. But eating great-tasting foods does not guarantee that your body absorbs or utilizes any of their vital nutrients.  And when your body fails to absorb sufficient nutrients, you become extremely vulnerable to disease. That is where fulvic acid comes into the picture in a huge way. Scientists have found that fulvic acid is the one element in nature that facilitates the proper absorption of nutrients, making it something of a miracle molecule.

Interestingly, fulvic acid is not really a true acid at all. It is, however, the most powerfully effective nutrient delivery system found in nature. Fulvic acid has the ability to transport nutrients directly into your body’s cellular structures. In fact, it can actually transport many times its weight in nutrients and elemental minerals. One single molecule of fulvic acid is capable of transporting as many as sixty or more minerals, vitamins, and trace elements into your body’s cells. Fulvic acid also makes cell walls easier to penetrate so that nutrients can more easily enter the cell and waste can leave the cell more readily.

Unlike colloidal mineral molecules, which are too large to readily pass through cell walls, the presence of fulvic acid molecules actually makes minerals and vitamins much more absorbable.  When fulvic acid is present, nutrients are dissolved into their most simple ionic form and then transported into and through tissue membranes and cell walls. Which means you will receive dramatically increased benefits from all nutrients or nutritional products, whatever the source, when fulvic acid is present.

Fulvic acid is a naturally occurring, super-charged, organic electrolyte that has an incredible ability to balance and energize biological properties. As such, it is quickly becoming recognized as one of the most critical factors in maintaining good health, even in the reversal and prevention of disease. Therefore, this acid is present in best health supplements these days, one of which is Trevo wellness supplement.

This “miracle molecule” also plays an important part in decreasing harmful acidic pH levels in your body by increasing the amount of beneficial oxygen in your blood. A lack of healthy blood oxygen is known to be a major contributor to acidic pH. And as we mentioned previously, an acidic pH level has been directly associated with practically every degenerative disease plaguing in our world today, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, depression, kidney disorders, and a multitude of other health conditions.

Fulvic acid is one of the most powerful, natural free radical scavengers and antioxidants currently known. Free radicals circulate throughout the body, injuring tissue and making cells susceptible to infections, diseases, and even cancer-causing mutations. Fulvic acid bonds to these free radicals and transforms them into organic, usable substances. If a cell is simply too damaged by these free radical molecules, then fulvic acid flushes the cell out of the body.

Fulvic acid also improves enzyme reactions in your body’s cells by producing maximum stimulation of essential enzyme development. These enzymes serve as the life force behind vitamins and minerals. For example, a lack of sufficient digestive enzymes can cause stress in your digestive system, resulting in a malabsorption of nutrients.

Although fulvic acid is not an antibiotic in the technical sense of the word, its antibiotic-like effect is comparable to the power of penicillin in equally small amounts. And, unlike antibiotics, fulvic acid can be used indefinitely without creating an antibiotic resistant strain of disease, which is a common concern with prescription antibiotic drugs.

Several studies even indicate that fulvic acid extracts can effectively and safely kill the HIV virus.  In fact, one pharmaceutical company has patented a fulvic-based drug that purifies blood for transfusions, killing the HIV virus without damaging healthy blood cells.

Indeed, the astounding health benefits of fulvic acid truly do qualify it as a “miracle molecule.”

Sparkling Clean, Pure Water for Good Health and Nutrient Absorption

We all know that water is essential in maintaining life. It is estimated that the human body can subsist four to six weeks without food. However, living for just one week without water is nothing short of a miracle.

This makes sense when you consider that your body is made of around seventy-five percent water, your blood is more than eighty percent water, your brain is made up of over seventy-five percent water, and your liver is an astounding eighty-six percent water. With your body consisting of so much water, it is certainly obvious that it needs a constant flow of water to function at optimum efficiency.

Water is not only essential for life, it is also the system your body uses to transport nutrients. It is crucial for the proper absorption of vital nutrients and other wellness vitamins and supplements that you take to energize and activate every aspect and function of the solid matter in your body. Without the constant transportation of nutrients provided by water, your body’s functions would quickly come to a halt.

Water is also an important factor in your body’s biochemical reactions. For example, your body depends on water as part of the chemical reaction that allows proper digestion of protein and carbohydrates. This chemical reaction allows these nutrients to be quickly and efficiently absorbed.

So how much water should you drink daily? The amount varies from person to person, but according to many health professionals, men should consume around thirteen cups of water a day and women should consume at least nine cups of water daily in order to maintain proper hydration, nutrient absorption, and body system function.

However, it is important to realize that the quality of the water you drink is just as important as the amount of water that you drink. With the proliferation of pesticides, fertilizer run-off and industrial pollution clean, pure drinking water has come to the forefront of consumer concerns - and rightfully so.

Between aging public supply water pipes and overwhelmed treatment plants, our nation’s public water supplies have come under increasing scrutiny. For instance, ordinary tap water is known to contain an alarming number of chemicals that can cause irreparable damage to vital organs that act as natural filters - namely, the liver and kidneys.

More than 2,100 toxic chemicals have been found to currently exist in our nation’s public water supplies. These chemicals include chloride - which was most notably used in World War II as a form of chemical warfare - as well as lead, arsenic, and a number of potential carcinogens.

It has also been revealed that an alarming array of prescription drugs is present in the drinking water of over forty-one million Americans. This is after the water has been supposedly purified at public water treatment plants. Some of the pharmaceuticals most commonly found in our drinking water are antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, and estrogen. Trace levels of ibuprofen and acetaminophen are also present.

You might be even more surprised to learn that some drugs, including many popular cholesterol-lowering medications, tranquilizers, and anti-epileptic pharmaceuticals, actually resist traditional drinking water and wastewater treatment processes. There is also some evidence that by adding chlorine to water, which is a common practice in water treatment, some drugs become even more toxic.

Now consider the health effects of drinking such drug-laced water year after year. Recent studies have found that decades of low-level exposure to drugs, or random combinations of drugs, in our drinking water can have serious effects on human cells.

According to the Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment of the State University of New York at Albany, “We know we are being exposed to other people’s drugs through our drinking water, and that can’t be good.”

So while water is a vital element to support life, water contaminated with heavy metals, chemicals - including prescription drugs, and an array of other harmful toxins can have a decidedly detrimental effect on that life.

Reverse osmosis, also known as hyperfiltration, has become recognized as, quite simply, one of the most effective ways to ensure that the water we drink is free of contaminants and harmful bacteria. In fact, the process of reverse osmosis is used to produce water that meets the even most demanding specifications for purity.

This revolutionary process has the ability to remove particles as small as individual dissolved ions of contaminants as well as organic molecules from water by forcing the water through a microscopically thin membrane. As clean water is diffused through this membrane, a myriad of impurities is trapped in the membrane and flushed away.

Reverse osmosis effectively removes dissolved toxic chemicals and other impurities that can be harmful to your body’s delicate systems. It also improves the taste of water, and reverse osmosis water will not produce the unsightly mineral buildup in kettles and coffee makers that regular tap water is notorious for. The process of reverse osmosis removes contaminants typically found in tap water, such as lead, copper, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium, fluoride, nitrite, and nitrates. The result? Sparklingly clean, pure water.

Since water is so vitally crucial to our existence and good health, it only makes sense to answer your body’s needs with the most pure water available. And reverse osmosis is the very best way to ensure that the water your body is utilizing is pure and free from harmful contaminants.

For this reason, it makes good sense to carefully screen the beverages, including bottled water, that you and your family consume. If they do not utilize reverse osmosis to ensure the highest level of filtration (be sure to check the label), you just don’t know what contaminants may be lurking inside.

Likewise, only select nutritional supplements that feature reverse osmosis water as their base ingredient.

Micronization Vastly Increases Nutrient Absorption

Speaking of nutritional products and natural supplements, let’s talk about micronization. The definition of micronization goes something like this: micronization is the process of reducing the average diameter of a solid material’s particles. Usually, the term micronization is used when the particles produced are only a few micrometers in diameter. However, modern applications, which include the pharmaceutical and nutritional supplement industries, require average particle diameters in the scale of nanometers. So how do micronized particles affect the way your body absorbs nutrients?

When you ingest nutrients, whether in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables or in the form of natural supplements such as Trevo liquid wellness supplement, the size of the nutrient particles is of paramount importance. When molecules are too large to penetrate cellular membrane, your body simply cannot put them to maximum use. Micronization, however, breaks molecules down into nano-particles. This process enables the rapid absorption of natural compounds such as vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients so that adequate concentrations appear in the blood.  By decreasing the particle size to less than ten microns through a micronization process, both dissolution and bioavailability are immediately increased.

The long and short of it is this:  the smaller the nutrient particles are, the more quickly and efficiently they are absorbed by the cells in your body, and the faster these nutrients are put to work to improve and maintain your good health.  

Micronization actually increases the bioavailability of vital nutrients and enhances their absorption by as much as one hundred percent. With such astounding absorption rates as this, it just makes good sense to choose nutritional products like Trevo liquid supplement that feature micronization technology.